CCPH call for abstracts. Canadian conference on physician health. Canadian Medical Association.
CCPH call for abstracts. Canadian conference on physician health. Canadian Medical Association. image widget
CCPH call for abstracts. Canadian conference on physician health. Canadian Medical Association. image widget

Presentation formats

Poster presentations: Written presentation of original research or initiatives will allow for discussion between authors and interested parties informally throughout the conference, as well as part of a dedicated poster session. Presenters are responsible for producing their own poster.

Oral presentations:  Presentations should be no more than 10-minutes in duration. Presenters can also expect a 5-minute period reserved for questions and discussion immediately following their presentation.

Panel presentations: A small group (~2-5) will interact and share a range of perspectives on a given topic. Presentations should be 90 minutes in total duration, with the last 10-15 minutes reserved for questions and discussion. Please note that there are limited spaces available for panel presentations. 

Workshop presentations: This presentation includes interactive sessions, experiential presentations with a specific wellness aspect integrated into the knowledge translation, and program descriptions that are designed to improve skills and knowledge among those working in the area of physicians’ health. Didactic lectures will not be accepted. Subject matter is open, but preference will be given to those that address specific topical issues related to the conference theme or sub-themes. Workshops should have an emphasis on interactive learning and should be 90 minutes in duration, with the last 10–15 minutes reserved for questions and discussion. When submitting an abstract for a workshop, the submitter will need to state how they will involve the audience (e.g., interactive participation, relevant and value add exercise or activity etc.) and the approximate length of the presentation in minutes. Please note that there are limited spaces available for workshop presentations.

Please note that there are very limited spaces available for panel and workshop presentations. As such, presenters are highly encouraged to also submit their abstracts for consideration as an oral presentation if their material lends itself well to a shorter format.